Candidates in Conservation

Our visit to Chipande primary school, one of the 8 ASSETS benefiting primary school with Jonathan was uniquely marked. Our main cause of our visit was to meet the potential ASSETS beneficiaries, who are currently the class 8 students. It is was long time since both of us visited this school. We were excited to be back. The school’s face has changed, with a new and very beautiful building being built facing the entrance of the school. Looking around are lovely trees planted during the rainy season. The WCK patron Mr. Mputhia was happy to receive us. He was also excited to have us around. He took us around and showed us the wonderful work the candidates are doing. In the last rainy season, this year around May, my colleague Jonathan gave more than 100 seedlings to each class in the school. “It is wonderful job”, Jonathan commented on seeing the well maintained Casuarina woodlot by the candidates. I was very impressed by their efforts and the interest in conservation at this age. It gave me hope for our environment and how useful is youthful age and its involvement is vital. After the walk to the talk. I could not believe but the truth is that we took more time than we had thought. The talk with the candidates was excellent and very timely. Keeping in my mind that they had only 14 days to go before they sit for their national exams. They needed a booster and ASSETS was right there to encourage them to work extra hard in order to be able to enjoy the ASSETS eco-bursary fund come next year. 

As we concluded, the head teacher encouraged them to put up the hardworking spirit and vowed nobody will be left behind.   

Tree Nursery Seedlings

 visit-to-chipande-161008-trees-and-mulch.jpg Hopeful Candidates
