The whole ASSETS team is back from the very short Easter vacation full of energy and enthusiasm. This has coincided with the return of our National Director, from South Africa where he was facilitating an ornithological training. This week is bound to be a busy one bearing in mind that some two days were spent during Easter. This morning we prepared a checklist of the items we need for tomorrow's ASSETS beneficiaries day at Bogamachuko Primary school. The main purpose of the event is to stress to the beneficiaries the close relationship between the ASSETS eco-bursaries and the well being of the Arabuko-Sokoke forest and Mida Creek. Bogamachuko lies on the western boarder of the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest where there is hardly any tourism activity. However tomorrow's meeting will be aiming at showing how eco-tourism activities in Mida Creek and Gede areas of the forest benefits those on the furthest end of the forest through the ASSETS eco-bursary scheme. We are planning to make the learning process very participatory by guiding the students and their parents to learn from each other. A number of the ASSETS committee members will be joining the ASSETS team to this event, notably Mr. Julius Katana, a retired education officer who has brought into the committee a wealth of wisdom.
While all preparations are being put in place, we hope the mechanic will be coming this afternoon to finish repairing our main transport means, the truck infamously known as "Kiboko"