Marxine Waite (above) is an intern at A Rocha Kenya in the Environmental Education department. She is a recent graduate of Pwani University with a degree in Science. She attended the April 2015 ASSETS camp which changed her life. Below is her story.
Armed with beddings, mosquito nets, juice for the kids, and most importantly hope in our hearts, we piled onto jolly old Kiboko and headed to day one of the ASSETS camp. Kiboko is our old truck that did quite a number on us during the trip. On the way I pondered about the lesson ahead and how to really impact the teenagers. I was interrupted from my train of thoughts by drizzling that was eventually seeping through the canvas as we rode at the back of the truck. Eventually, it turned out to be a heavy downpour that would send us into a frenzied struggle to keep dry. We held on the canvas, attempting to stretch it out even further ( as if that would work) ; meanwhile old Kiboko was already tired of the muddy, bumpy road and decided to let loose dense black, sooty diesel exhaust fumes to the carrier of the truck and the struggle ensued until we got to our destination. So here we were, finally, at Bogamachuko Primary School late and drenched in water, with patches of soot, blackened beddings but in one piece.

Bogamachuko, which produced most of new ASSETS beneficiaries last year, was voted the venue for the camp.
We headed to the classroom where the parents and students were eagerly waiting. Session one was on what A Rocha is, our main goals and the connection between A Rocha and the ASSETS program. My favourite presentation was by Mzee Katana, who sits in the ASSETS committee, during the second session. It is not uncommon for the elderly to speak their mind freely, but this particular man was just in a class of his own. Not only did he speak freely indeed he did it with confidence, flair and comedy seasoned with 36 years of experience as an educator. He sizzled his speech with flowery Swahili, English and hints of Giriama (local tongue) so that everybody felt included; young and old, literate or otherwise.

Marxine conducting an Environmental Education session.
One by one we gave our message to the children and parents, each in their special way, through stories and jokes and motivational talks. I had the privilege of conducting an environmental lesson through games and chalk and board. I pray the message of my lesson hit home; the scarcity of fresh water on a global scale and the need to conserve it. It was finally the end of day one sessions, and as the students left, it was time to unwind. This marked the drill for the days to follow.
Evenings were a special time for me for there was always chicken for dinner; and what a fine meal that was! Our accommodation was also something to remember forever, who would have ever thought I would camp in a staff room? With the special privilege of being the only female, I got to camp alone in the office and could spend long hours reminiscing childhood times as I read fairytales and storybooks that formed my fundamental literature in my early years.
This was the order of the next two nights as we visited Malanga, Nyari, and Mijomboni Primary Schools. As we finally headed back to A Rocha, thankful for the successful visits and Kiboko holding up; I reflected on the events one by one. Although I was a beneficiary of a scholarship program myself, this experience made me appreciate the magnitude of the sacrifice that parents and donors make. I walked into that camp hoping to impact lives and walked out having been changed myself.

Beneficiaries and their parents during the camp.