August is here with us again! 136 ASSETS beneficiaries are just about to sit for their end of term examinations in over 40 different secondary schools. With over 1.2 million shillings paid out as bursaries for the students, the ASSETS account is left wanting, needing Ksh. 148,000 to bring another group of 40 students to the August camp.
For the last five years, this exercise has aided over 200 students to spend three days at Mwamba Field Study Centre and get hands on experience in the conservation work going on. During these events, students have a chance to visit the famous Watamu Coral Gardens, the Gede Ruins and the Mida Creek. This experience always leaves a lasting memory in the students and they always talk about it. To some, this is often their first time to see the ocean despite living less than 100 km away.
Discussion on HIV AIDS and drugs forms a key part of the camp. This challenges the students on important choices they are required to make in life. The three days learning programme is spiced up with many games and quizzes for ease of learning.
We are grateful for a donation of £ 440 that we have so far received for this activity. This is enough to cover the costs for 15 students attending the camp. We are currently looking for sponsorship for the other 25 students at a cost of US$ 50 per student.